Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Diapers Diapers Diapers

We have been so blessed and have not had to purchase diapers. I went a couple months ago and bought my first diapers. Babies R Us had a sale so I bought several boxes. I am down to one box, so I knew I needed to do my research and make a decision on where we would be purchasing diapers.

We are a Pampers loving family! The swaddlers were amazing when the boys were in the small sizes, then they transition into the cruisers. We love love love them. The boys don't leak, and they fit well.

I researched Wal-Mart, Target,, Amazon, and Babies R Us. We are currently in size 5 Pampers Cruiser diapers. I found the cost per diaper at each place and compared. 

Wal-Mart was in the lead with .33 cents per diaper.

Amazon had .33 cents per diaper with the subscribe and save option. This is where you choose to have them delivered once a month, twice a month, etc. You can cancel at any anytime, even right after you order for the first time. It saves you 5% by choosing to "Subscribe and Save"

Babies R us was .35 cents per diaper. had .36 cents per diaper with the $10 off coupon for a first time order.

Target currently has 10% off diapers if you order 2 or more boxes. This brought them to to the lead at .30 cents per diaper!

I had decided I was going to order from Target, but kept doubting myself. I knew there was some other savings through Amazon. After looking around the website I found what I was looking for! If you join Amazon Prime for $79 per year you receive 20% off diapers and wipes! You also get free 2 day shipping on most amazon items! I will be purchasing diapers for the next couple years especially once Luke makes his debut. I also love to shop Amazon. I ordered nearly the boys ENTIRE christmas from Amazon last year. So, the 2 day shipping also had my interest. 

This brought the cost of our diapers to .27 cents per diaper with the subscribe and save option included. I currently chose to have 2 boxes delivered once a month. This should be plenty for Sandy's house and our home. I can cancel it any time. There was an immediate option to "Skip next delivery" which I may do once I pay attention to how many diapers we use in a month. 

I am happy with my decision and look forward to having diapers and wipes at my door ;)

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