
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dear Luke ...

Hey there sweet boy!

I cannot believe you are 2! You are such an independent little boy. You love to walk around. You like freedom to do what you want. You love walking around with Grandpa because he lets you go wherever you want to and follows close by. You are a mommy's boy. You love to sit and snuggle with me. You weren't always like this, but since I started staying home in December you love to cuddle up and give hugs and kisses. You completed me sweet boy. I had an empty spot in my heart I did not even know about until you came along. You changed everything. You are my baby, you always will be. You are a precious little boy that melts anyone you meet. You walk in and take over a room. Not shy in any way. You hate strollers and being confined! You love to tell me "I'M DONE!" when you want out of your high chair. You are an incredible little boy. You are going to do amazing things in this world, I know it. You have a sparkle in your eye that is just different. Your smile is off the charts handsome. You love to dance with mommy. You are ticklish under your chin, and it is my favorite little giggle. You adore your daddy and get so excited when you hear him at the door at the end of the day. You love to wrestle with your brothers or snuggle up to watch a movie. You will play anything with them or nothing with them. You never feel like you have to do what they are doing. It is pretty incredible. You can be VERY LOUD, you get it from me baby. The twins hate it because they do not like loud noises. This is when y'all fight most often! I hope you always keep that independence. I hope you always love snuggling with me. I hope you keep some of your stubbornness. I hope you always stay this close with your brothers. I love you. More than you will ever know. I love being your mommy. I love hearing you say mommy. I know this year will be even more amazing since I am now home with you!! 

Love you,



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