
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dear Luke 💙

My baby Luke,

As I sit here and think about you being 1 in two hours tears fill my eyes. 

You were not "planned." This did not make you any less wanted. You were an amazing surprise. God knew I needed you when I didn't even know I did.

You are the piece that has completed my heart. I always knew I wanted to have another baby, I just didn't expect it to be so soon after your brothers. You were ALWAYS wanted. There was never a moment I was not happy to bring you into this world. 

Your smile lights up a room. You are pretty much always happy. You cried tears for the first time at 11 months old. The only time you are fussy is when you are hungry or tired.

You adore your older brothers and my goodness do they adore you. You wrestle with Drake, and Hunter likes to love on you. The moment you are awake you are searching for your big brothers. When you finally find them you get excited and smile so sweetly. They hug and kiss you often.

In the past two months you have really become closer with daddy! You have always been a momma's boy, but lately you are wanting daddy just as often! We are both so melted by you Luke Arthur.

We made it a full year breastfeeding ! Mommy absolutely loves our nursing relationship. You love it too. You nursed more today than you normally do, but you are cutting teeth and not your normal happy demeanor. I am so happy to know that we were able to make it without any supplementation for a year! You weren't my sleeper for the first 7 months, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. I loved the extra snuggles, the extra time with my last baby. I love that you will sleep with me and snuggle! Drake and Hunter would never do that, so it is something special just between you and I! 

Luke you have completed me as a mommy. You are an amazing little boy. You are a ham and love to make us laugh. You throw a pretty dramatic fit with kicking the ground or anything nearby that makes me laugh. You love food and love to nurse. You just started walking everywhere. You are perfect. 

I love you so much it hurts, and I will love you forever. You will always be my baby, and the one that filled the last empty space in my heart. You completed me ❤️

Happy Birthday my beautiful boy, I love you.

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