
Monday, March 11, 2013

38 weeks { LUKE }

My last pregnancy is coming to an end. It is a bittersweet feeling.

At 34 weeks I was sent for an ultrasound to see if Luke was still measuring larger than average. He was still nearly 2 weeks ahead, and weighing in at 6 lbs. They told me it could be off by as much as half a pound. I gave birth to the twins a week later, and they were 5 lbs 10 and 5 lbs 11. So, I figure it was probably pretty accurate.

The heartburn has really kicked in this last trimester. I have Braxton Hicks contractions which I never had with the twins. I actually have back pain and hip pain. I never had this with the twins. I feel like I am experiencing more "normal" pregnancy symptoms this time around. My pregnancy with the twins was easy. Yes, I was on bed rest at 27 weeks, but I never had ANY pain. Ever. Until the day I went into labor. Some of Luke's movements actually make parts of my stomach tender. Again, I never had that with the twins!

At 35 weeks I was not dilated at all. She checked me because I had to leave work because I was in so much pain I knew I could not actively monitor during our benchmark. It was mainly lower back and lower stomach pain. We think he may have been starting to drop and that is what caused my level of uncomfort.

We were supposed to take Maternity pictures at 35 weeks, but the weather was cold and the boys woke up sick. So, that did not happen. We rescheduled for 36 weeks.

At 36 weeks I was dilated 1 cm. She said with me being a second time mom, she would have been happy with more progress. I was fine with the progress.

We went to take maternity pictures. The boys still had some what of a runny nose. THey woke up in a great mood, so we got dressed and headed to take pictures. Oh. My. Gosh. Once we arrived they hit meltdown mode FAST. Our photographer is who keeps them during the week and one of my best friends. I cannot imagine how much worse it would have been with anyone else. They did not want to stand near me, sit near me, smile, etc. I was at the point of giving up, but Sandy kept telling me I was going to want these pictures. So, Brandon went walking with the boys and she took some photos of me by myself. We were then able to get a couple of the boys and I. In the end, her daughter Natalie sat in the car with them and Sandy took some photos of Brandon and I. The picture of the boys kissing my belly that I have dreamt about having ... ya that was NOT gonna happen.

At 37 weeks I was dilated 1 cm and my cervix was softening.

At 38 weeks I was dilated 1.5 to 2 cm and my cervix was making progress. She said she could definitely tell a difference since my last appointment. She also stripped my membranes at this appointment.

Two days later I woke up around 5 am with the most horrific migraine I have ever had in my life. I could barely walk. I tried to take Tylenol and immediately started throwing up. The pain was excruciating. So, I called the doctor and asked what I needed to do. They wanted me to come in and be sure I was not developing pre-eclampsia. I called Brandon's mom to come sit with the boys until Sandy would get them around 8. Brandon drove me to the hospital because I knew I could not drive. Thankfully, I was not developing Pre-E. I was contracting every 6 to 7 minutes. So, I got an IV to help with the nauseau and stayed until around 1 pm. Throughout the day I lost my mucous plug, so we knew the contractions were actually making progress.

That evening the contractions became 4 minutes apart. They were becoming painful and hurting in my stomach and back. I called the doctor again, and they said to wait until I was unable to speak during a contraction. Around 3 am, the contractions slowed down and I was able to sleep. Since then, I have not had them as strong or consistent. So, Mr. Luke is not ready to make his appearance, and that is okay with me as of right now. I am really praying I do not make it to my scheduled c-section on March 20th at 9:45 am, but if I do that is okay too. I was hoping to not have a c-section strictly due to wanting to be able to lift the twins sooner and be more active with them.

My OB did not get to deliver the twins since they came on Easter. She is now out of town for Spring Break. So, I am unsure if she will deliver me this time depending if and when I go into labor. My 39 week appointment will be with Dr. Cooper, a different doctor in the practice that I did meet while on bed rest with the twins when he was on call for rounds. On Tuesday March 12th, the one doctor in the practice that will NOT perform a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) is on call. So, I am praying to not go into labor on this day!

So, I am 9 days away from my c-section. I am walking, bouncing on an exercise ball, eating pineapple, eating spicy foods, taking Evening Primrose Oil, and doing basically any old wives tale that may help Luke to enter this world before the 20th :)

Here are my maternity pictures from 36 weeks ...

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