
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had an amazing Christmas with the twins! We have several different celebrations with our families. The boys were blessed with a ton of toys. We were able to read a book before bed with them, and set out water for Rudolph on Christmas Eve. The boys slept in Christmas morning until nearly 10 am! 

They were wore out from all the Christmas festivities in the days before! We celebrated with Brandon's dad's side of the family one night, we celebrated with Brandon's parents one evening and went to Zoo Lights at the Houston Zoo, we celebrated one day with Brandon's mom's side of the family, and we celebrated Christmas Eve evening with my family! It was a LOT of family time, and we loved it! 

They especially love their DVD players from Brandon's parents. They are able to watch them in the car on long trips, and we set them up at home for them also. They really like their work bench from Santa. They play with the drill often! Hunter likes to drill his own belly, it is hysterical! They draw on their Magnadoodle's from my parents all the time, and have even kept up with the little magnets that go with them! Here are some of the photos from our Christmas this year :)

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